Hey friends!!
Eric and I made it back to Orlando! We had at blast at Disneyland, details on the trip in tomorrow’s post. I’m totally loving the little Pearl snuggles. It’s so sweet to be back to her after being gone. We missed her so much and I’d say she missed us too…
Sweetest kitty cat evaaaaa!
While I’m ready to get back to cooking our own food, as much as I prepared ahead to have snacks for us there is nothing like a home cooked meal that makes you feel good from the inside out.
Since we got in yesterday evening, I had enough time to run by the grocery store and do a small amount of prep for the week. But this is not-yo-typical meal prep! All the foods that I brought home are super fast foods, we’re talking dinner ready in a flash. I figured that you all might like to see how I planned our meals to require little to no meal prep.
Monday: Butternut Squash Soup + Veggie Panini {I cut up the butternut squash last night and will just roast this off tomorrow and toss it into the soup! I cannot believe how easy this soup is to make!!}
Tuesday: White Chicken Chili
Wednesday: Pre-Cooked Rotisserie Chicken + Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce + Greek Salad
I always feel so excited to get back to CrossFit after traveling too. So I’m stacking my week to do a bunch of CrossFit WODs. After a weekend full of running in California and loving it, I’m going to work on running a bit more this week.
I’ve talked about my struggle with staying consistent with working out before on the blog, and I’m sure it won’t be my last. Cooking and eating healthy is very natural for me and while I LOVE to workout, I don’t always make it a priority and let my work schedule interfere with my workouts. Boooo.
My good friend and college roommate all-4-years, Amy, is a marathoner, CrossFitter and mom of 2, and she works out every single day. The past few weeks, she’s held me accountable to my workouts because she knows how much they mean to me and how cranky I get if I don’t get them in!
While Eric is a great encourager and we love to workout together, we can also both be bad influences on each other because it’s easy to just stay at the office longer than we should or get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning or stay in the comfort of our PJs and drink coffee together first thing in the morning. All too often our schedules just don’t line up, so I knew I needed a double dose of accountability.
Ahhhh, the struggle is real.
While I’m still not perfect at nailing every workout that I plan, I’m getting better at it and I’m so thankful for Amy because this accountability seems to be working for me.
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: CrossFit + Walk
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: Run + CrossFit
Saturday: CrossFit or Run…whatever we’re feeling
If you find yourself in a similar struggle as me whether it’s with eating healthy or working out, maybe it’s time to get some accountability! Find a workout buddy, get a professional to train you, join a CrossFit gym, and/or hire a nutrition coach. We all are busy people, but have to find a way to make it all happen to stay healthy.
Eating healthy and working out, does one come more natural to you? Do you you have a workout buddy or someone that keeps you accountable?
Have a happy & healthy week!
Hi I’m Kristina LaRue, RD (registered dietitian nutritionist), Peloton addict and mama to two active and hungry boys. On Love & Zest, you’ll find healthy-ish recipes that fuel the whole family. I’m all about veggie-filled breakfast, meal prep recipes, healthier sweets, and easy weeknight dinners made in the Instant Pot or sheet pan.
Did you make one of my recipes?? Leave a review in the comments and tag @loveandzest #loveandzest on Instagram!
If you’re a modern mama– I’d love for you to join my Facebook group A Modern Motherhood Collective!
Eating healthy and working out come pretty intuitively for me, but I have moments where I lack motivation to put forth effort in either department. I am training for the OUC half-marathon and do strength training on the side. When I fuel properly long runs/workouts go much better.
I’ll also add that I strive to be intuitive with my body in eating and movement. Sometimes I have a workout or run scheduled and my body says REST, so I won’t push as hard or will skip it or walk my dog instead. Other times I feel boundless energy and will push myself a little harder than initial plans. Fortunately my hubby and girlfriends also training for the half keep me accountable regardless of how I feel that day.
I totally love the idea of intuitive exercise. It’s refreshing to have the freedom to move as you please and not be bound by a ridged schedule. I’m so that way when it comes to training… I really just like to workout vs striving for a personal best, etc.. for some reason focusing on the outcome just take the fun right out of it.
Pearl is my accountability partner, for cuddling. We never miss a day.
omg.. you are hysterical. And that is why I love you.
Welcome home!! Pearl looked very happy to see you two. :). Love the accountability piece. I have this awesome friend who keeps me accountable on the blogging front. You may know her… 😉
Now I need an accountability partner to make sure I’m prioritizing my self care!
You crack me up Kara. You’re my self care mindfulness motivator.
For me, I always need to go to a group fitness class to get seriously motivated to work out. Yes, I can do some workouts on my own, but there’s something about being in a room full of other people that makes me go the extra mile. My shoulders are still sore from my last Crossfit class!
YES to #fitfam! Ahhh, hurts so good.
Oh I love Disneyland, even before we had kids my hubby and I went there for our 1st wedding anniversary. Ha! I definitely need a good week of workouts! Have a good week Kristina!
Thanks Melanie… I was SHOCKED how much I loved Disneyland.. just the two of us!
I’m about to sign up for the Elf4Health challenge too – the cold weather always makes me feel lazier. I had a friend tell me to remember the gym is warm and I’ll get sweaty 🙂
YAY!!! I was drooling over your barbacoa today on LGB blog. AHHHHMAZING. All about that slow cooker. I love that approach– except my house was FREEZING this morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed. You can tell we are cold weather newbies because we accidentally turned the AC on instead of the HEAT last night!!! No wonder it was an ice box this AM.
OK. Now I’m feeling guilty for not working out! I’m heading to my basement workout room after I post to my favorite blogs! I think I need a workout buddy … so hard to get motivated without that extra push 🙂
Ohhh, I didn’t mean to make anyone feel guilty 🙁 I’m proud that you’re going to go workout though!! If you’re in the market for a buddy, join the Elf4Health challenge! I just signed up today!!!
They both come naturally now! My day is never complete with out a workout and eating “healthy” is just EATING to me!